Over the weekend, Jay-Z rocked the web with his new track "D.O.A. (Death of AutoTune)."
I'm all for giving the robot the heave-ho, but haven't we already heard this before?
Peep R-Swift's "R.I.P. AutoTune" on his MySpace page.
I wonder if cats will listen now that Jay's talking?
I've also got to pass along a couple of dope lines my man Zee (co-owner of DaSouth.com) Tweeted this weekend.
Jay-Z's "D.O.A." track? Overrated. Great methaphors, but c'mon... he only rappin' about the death of a plugin, people.
If I was a so-called "great emcee" like Jay-Z, would that be the greatest msg I had to give? Death of a plugin???
How about death, burial and resurrection? Get on that and then you'll have my listening ear... sigh...
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