Let the trash talk begin.
DJ Wade-O and Sketch the Journalist (your humble blogger) are engaged in a friendly wager over the Rockets / Lakers NBA Playoff Series. The loser has to create an “Air Jordan On ‘Em”-style remix of k-Drama’s signature rap song.
“The funny thing is, neither one of us are MCs,” Sketch said. “If you ask me, it’s going to be the listeners who lose!”
The bet began when Sketch began to brag online about his hometown Houston Rockets’ first successful advancement into the second round of the playoffs in more than a decade. Wade, who claims to be a longtime Laker fan (“since Magic was wearing the short shorts”), decided to issue a challenge against his Holy Hip Hop News Blast segment host.
“We both Tweeted and hit up the message boards for ideas and a frequent suggestion was to ride the momentum of all the k-Drama remixes and mine some humor out of our weak attempts to rhyme,” Wade said. “I’m a huge sports fan and having the wins and losses mean a little something extra makes the games even more interesting.
“Either way, the end result should be entertaining to our audience,” Wade laughed.
The Houston Rockets surprised most NBA fans by stealing a win on LA’s home court Monday night. But anyone who follows “The League” is no doubt aware that Laker star Kobe Bryant is bound to enter Game 2 with a specific goal to right this wrong.
Keep up with the back and forth verbal gamesmanship by following both DJ Wade-O (@wadeoradio) and Sketch (@sketchthej) on Twitter and listen for the special “-------- On ‘Em” remix to hit The Wade-O Radio Show shortly after either team is the first to win four games.
For more information on DJ Wade-O and The Wade-O Radio Show please visit www.wadeoradio.com
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