I've noticed a trend recently of people visiting multiple churches and Christian events in order to review them in sort of "Consumer Reports" fashion.
A few examples:
- Rapture Ready! Adventures in the Parallel Universe of Christian Pop Culture by Daniel Radosh
- The Houston Chronicle's "That Stranger In the Pew" blog
- Jason Boyett's "6 Denominations in 6 Weeks" article @ Relevant Magazine.com
- Matt Taibbi's "Jesus Made Me Puke" article in Rolling Stone magazine
I'm not sure how I feel about this.
On one hand, it probably does provide some valuable feedback to churches and "shoppers" about the visitor/outsider experience at their places of worship.
On the flip side, it commercializes something sacred and allows us to enter the consumer mindset of "What can you do for me?" My guess is that's not what Christ intended for his bride.
Your thoughts?