A couple newsworthy stories hit the wires today.
- Curtis Jermany is stepping down from the Urban Gospel Alliance (UGA) to focus on his GZ Underground promotional/marketing company.
- Curtis Jermany is stepping down from the Urban Gospel Alliance (UGA) to focus on his GZ Underground promotional/marketing company.
Curtis is my dude and has always had a place for my writing in his U-Zone Magazine. He's also trying to find investors for that so it can keep running.
Read more about this change here and keep Curtis, UGA, and U-Zone in your prayers.
- And mainstream rap site Allhiphop.com caught wind of holy hip hop and has a little feature on it here.
Kind of the same ole, same ole ("Wow, there IS an alternative! Rappers DO believe in God!") we see pop up in the media every few years, but I appreciate any and all coverage the movement can get.
Kind of the same ole, same ole ("Wow, there IS an alternative! Rappers DO believe in God!") we see pop up in the media every few years, but I appreciate any and all coverage the movement can get.
- Finally, my man DJ Wade-O has launched a blog over at Illspot.net. Be sure to check it out often because he's dropping info and great links on the regular.
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