Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Where are all the Christian rap critics?

The boys from A.B.F. and this Christian rap critic

Rapzilla published my latest essay this week. Read it here:

Where are all the Christian rap critics?

Let me know what you think. Many have already responded via the Comments section on the site. Feel free to jump into the discussion.


Anonymous said...

Sketch, FUDGE's comments at Rapzilla.com sum up my thought on this issue. It boils down to time and money. Christians have to pay bills, too!

There are many who are willing and able to write serious journalistic pieces on HHH (including myself), but we have to work around full-time jobs, spouses, kids, and other activities and obligations. No one wants to do serious writing for no pay for an extended period of time.

Until an entrepreneur is willing to fund a serious HHH magazine or website, or unless some willing soul is willing to spend loads of time working for little or nothing, the HHH journalistic status quo will continue.

Anonymous said...

I'm have followed HHH for sometime now and I just recently ran across a website that is attacking HHH has anyone seen this DVD http://www.exministries.com/ttbhhh.html