Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Hip hop missionary releases mini-documentary about work in Brookshire, Texas


Houston hip hop missionary Bobby “Tre9” Herring has released a mini-documentary about the work being done in Brookshire, Texas, a town just west of Houston.

The 14-minute-long movie incorporates performance footage, background information, and interviews with Herring, partner pastors, Christian rappers, and students about how Eyes On Me Incorporated’s Hip Hop Hope Missions program has become a part of their lives.

“To often, those of us involved in the Christian hip hop scene get wrapped up in the industry-side of our calling and unfortunately let the ministry-side slide down our priority list,” Herring said.

“Hopefully this documentary will expose the general public to what we believe is our most important job and inspire other urban ministers to pursue their primary mission with even greater passion.”

The short film was shot and edited by Christian rapper Ronnie “Reconcile” Lillard for Frontline Media.

Other gospel-based hip hop artists who appear on screen include:
  • Von Won
  • Corey Paul
  • Colcutz
To learn more about Hip Hop Hope Missions visit alleyesonmeinc.com.

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